Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Break!

Today is a lazy Wednesday. I haven't done anything since being on the holiday. I don't even have to cook tomorrow. I am going over to some good friends house for dinner. The only thing I have to "cook" is two Pecan Pies. It is going to be an easy day. I don't have any new pictures to post, but I would like to offer a bit of advice about eating. Everyone knows they like to overeat and gorge themselves on sweets during the holidays, but you can have a bit of everything if you eat in moderation. I have never had to diet because I try not to overeat. I only eat until I am 80% full, and if I don't eat my dessert first, then I do not eat it at all.

People will look at you as if you are crazy if you ask for dessert first, so I just don't ask. The majority of the time I have eaten too much dinner, so there is really never enough room for dessert. Find out what works best for you, but if you eat in moderation, you do not have to worry about gaining those extra holiday pounds. It doesn't hurt to take a long walk before or after dinner. Another way to maintain that figure is to put on some music and dance! Enjoy the holiday!

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