Sunday, November 11, 2012

Natural Girls Rock!

Good Morning!

What a wonderful event I went to yesterday!. Natural Girls and Women do rock! It was well organized, lively with spoken word (wished I had known), and live entertainment from a dynamic performer. The vendors had beautiful displays and the products were well worth the price. Yesterday, I posted a picture of two dresses I wanted to wear. Well, below you can see my choice.


Event Poster

Dress: Fubu
SoJe Emporium

Side View

Paired with a vintage short leather jacket.
On the red carpet.

Bridgette and Tiffany

Event attendees


Enjoying the entertainment.
Tiffany Davis
Staffers from Natural Girls.
Staffer with gorgeous hair.
The Hostess. Georgia Me
Creator of the "Coochie Chronicles". Our version of the
Vagina Monologues
Pamela and Georgia Me (comedienne)
The dynamic band.
The singer.

More attendees.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! Hopefully you can attend the next event that happens. I would really like to see more representation from our mature women. There were a few of us there, but not enough. Maybe women 45 and above do not like to attend these events. Hey, these events are informational, and it give us a chance to network with the young women who are doing it! I am so proud of my young sisters who are embracing their beautiful selves. Keep up the good work.

1 comment:

  1. Had the best time at this event. Next time I will take a friend.
