Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hello, It's My Family Reunion!

It has been weeks since I have been here! I have missed everyone and I look forward to chatting with you, but I would really like to hear from you as well! I have been living and enjoying my life. I had the honor of hosting part of my family reunion in my home the weekend of July 20-22. My cousin kicked the reunion off at her house Friday, July 20, and I hosted Sunday July 22.

I also had the honor of hosting a meet and greet between fans, and five authors. A fantastic book reading was held at SoJe Emporium in downtown Lawrenceville, and it was a resounding hit! I will be posting pictures.

My niece
Some of the family

Hostess and Host
More family
We are family!
I love my family.
Sisterly love.
Get ready, set, go!
Hostess(r) and family.
Getting to know one another
Yeah for family.

I hope you enjoyed my Family Reunion pics. These are just a few. Please feel free to make comments. Enjoy your family, because you only have one.

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