Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wonderful Weekend!

Our weekend started with a bang and continued with a bang! Saturday, we slept in late, then met a client who purchased some African Mango Seed. After leaving her, we went to Little Five Points. What an eclectic group of people in Little Five Points. It reminds me of  The Village (New York), and Haight Ashbury Street (San Francisco).
Shamon and John, Little Five Points. He had some very unique jewelry. Check out the ring on Johns finger.

Shamon and John, Little Five Points.

Shamon and Pamela. He placed this wonderful crown on my head. It would  look better if I had my hair pulled back.


As we were talking to Shamon, a parade came by  and this guy was being carried in a chariot. I did not think he was real. It was a parade for health, happiness and good luck.

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