I vowed that I would be back soon, and I meant that. I have so much to show and tell you. I would really love to hear from those of you who are looking at my page. How can I answer your questions if I don't "hear" your voice. I will continue to post about thrifting and just enjoying life! The jacket I am about to post is from an era long gone. I was not able to pinpoint the exact year it came from, but I do believe it had to be from the 30's - 50's. It is a gorgeous short wool jacket with a mink collar. It can tie in the front or remain loose. The label reads: Fortsmann 100% Virgin Wool. I do believe it was part of a suit, however I wear it with jeans. I found quite a bit of clothing by the company for sale on etsy and ebay, but nothing looked like this jacket. I purchased this jacket from a large garage sale held in Oakland, California many years ago. I paid $30.00 for it. As I stated earlier, I have been thrifting for 30 years.
100% Virgin wool mink collared jacket by Fortsmann Clothing Company
ca. 30's-50's
Jacket Label
I can't wait to put together my ensemble with this jacket. The weather is becoming cool, so I will be able to wear it soon. In the mean time, I will continue to show you the many different looks you can achieve with secondhand clothes.